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The Office provides intake and delivery for standard packages and mailings, as well as processing of bulk mailings and express mail. The office is located on the lower level of Decker Hall and is open Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM. If you have any questions, or would like to set up individual departmental procedures, please call extension 2739.


What we Do

  • Deliver all Departmental mail, packages, and PPE
  • Receive and deliver all student packages for Res Ed.
  • Gather outgoing mail from departments for metering and take it to the post office (1:30 PM is the latest time we can accept mail to go out the same day) also we provide shipping via FedEx and UPS for departments).
  • The receiving area of the mailroom will receive large orders for departments for temporary storage.
  • Pickup College mail and packages at our P.O. Box in Ewing TWP daily.
